Amina Aranaz-Alunan on the Importance of Joining Trade Shows
The Aranaz Creative Director shares her “trial-and-error” experiences as a trade show exhibitor
By Vicky Montenegro
Amina Aranaz-Alunan, Creative Director and Lead Designer of Aranaz, has been joining trade shows and design exhibitions since 2012. “From the very onset, we really wished for Aranaz to be a global brand, a global fashion brand,” she shares. “We really wanted to be able to sell our products worldwide and reach women from around the world.”
The key to that, she says, was joining trade shows, both local and international. “There's no doubt that trade shows will open the doors to a variety of markets for you. You'll never know who you will meet.”
Amina, center, runs the business with her mom Becky and sister Rosanna, who leads international sales, branding and marketing.
In this TouchPoint Creative Dialogues (where we ask creatives and design industry professionals to share their thoughts and experiences on a wide array of topics) video, Alunan shares her most memorable trade show experience and behind-the-scenes moments—and how joining exhibitions has contributed to the growth of Aranaz.
Video Editing: Kit Singson
Photos and videos courtesy of Amina Aranaz-Alunan