Manila FAME is the Philippines' premier trade show for quality home, fashion, and lifestyle products. Together with FAME+ ( fameplus.com), Manila FAME continues to promote the exhibitors and their products in the digital sphere, 24/7.


  • Any company that wishes to exhibit in Manila FAME/FAME+ must complete the following requirements:
    • Accomplish the online registration form at https://fameplus.com/registration/exhibitor (companies with existing FAME+ registration will only need to update their company details).
    • Upload the documentary requirements through the FAME+ website exhibitor registration page:
      • For companies without an existing FAME+ registration (NEW):
        • Company profile
        • 3 high resolution product images
        • Latest copy of valid Business or Mayor’s permit
      • For companies with existing FAME+ registration (REGULAR):
        • Latest copy of valid Business or Mayor’s Permit
  • The company must ensure that the details and information they will use in this registration form are true and correct as these will be used by CITEM for company listing, directory, and booth name. CITEM cannot be held liable for omissions or errors in reproduction, typesetting or other, that may be committed by the exhibitor during the registration process.
  • By submitting this registration form, the company hereby gives its consent to CITEM and its partners to use and process all data received in accordance with the requirements of Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act 2012.
  • Unless the company’s application has been denied by CITEM or withdrawal from participation was made prior to the set deadline, this registration form constitutes a firm and irrevocable commitment of the exhibitor to participate and pay the total participation fee within the period set forth by CITEM.


  • Participation in Manila FAME is subject to registration and screening process.
  • Approved companies will receive a Billing Invoice or Statement of Account (SOA) for payment of participation fee.
  • Participating companies must comply with the show rules and regulations and, subsequently, issued circulars for the event.
  • CITEM is not obliged to justify its decisions concerning applications. In case an application is denied, no amount will be charged to the company.


  • Payments — Compliance to payment deadlines must be observed. Except otherwise warranted, a “No Full Payment, No Ingress” policy may be strictly imposed.
    Payment Schedule:
    • Full participation fee or P 10,000 non-refundable reservation fee within 5 days upon receipt of the Billing Invoice or Statement of Account (SOA)
    • Payment of remaining balance (if full participation fee has not yet been settled) on 04 October 2024
  • FAME+ Storefront — Any company who will participate in the Manila FAME physical trade show is required to have an activated and updated storefront in the FAME+ website containing the following:
    • Maximum 300 words Company Profile or Brand Story
    • 1 Company Cover Image/Masthead (1280 width x 720 height in pixels)
    • 2 Lifestyle Images (1080 x 1080 pixels)
    • Minimum 3 High Resolution (at least 1080 x 1080 pixels) Individual Product Images with Product Description
    Companies without a FAME+ storefront will not be eligible to apply as an exhibitor in Manila FAME.
  • Attendance to Briefings and Export Coaching Programs — Exhibitors must send at least one (1) company representative, preferably with decision-making power, to Exhibitor briefings and seminars offered by CITEM.
  • Withdrawal from Participation — Withdrawal of participation may be allowed 60 days before the fair dates only. After said date, payments made shall be forfeited in favor of CITEM. Likewise, application in future editions and other future projects of CITEM may be affected.
  • Increase/Adjustment of Fees — CITEM reserves the right to increase or adjust reasonable participation fees or any other fees, whenever necessary and warranted.


  • Space Allocation and Assignment — CITEM will determine the space allocation and assignment of exhibitors taking into consideration the following: the thematic presentation of the show, curatorial considerations, participation in the Product Development Program, product presentation, compliance to exhibition rules and any further reason deemed necessary to maintain the overall image of the show. The company’s previous booth design (in case of regular exhibitors) and/or the product profiles (in case of new exhibitors) will also be taken into consideration in booth allocation.
  • Raw Space — For exhibitors availing the Raw Space Package, the company is required to submit to CITEM’s Exhibition Design Division its detailed booth plan with booth design, measurement, signage plan, and color scheme for approval.
  • Booth System — For exhibitors availing the Booth System Package, CITEM shall appoint the official booth contractor, define the specifics of the basic booth structure and set of guidelines. The company is expected to abide by these set of guidelines. A separate announcement will be disseminated to the exhibitors once the official booth contractor has been appointed.
  • Sub-leasing — Exhibitors are strictly prohibited to transfer, sub-lease, or share any or all part of his or her approved space to other companies other than the company which the exhibitor had been approved for. Nonetheless, exhibitors are allowed to make a joint presentation on the condition that each company individually accomplish the online registration form and request approval from CITEM.


  • Intellectual Property Rights — Exhibitors’ products to be displayed or its design should not be subject to infringement, trademark, or patent complaint as defined under RA 8293, or the Intellectual Property Law. Any complaint regarding IP matters must be put in writing and discussed within the jurisdiction of the Intellectual Property Office (IPO). Particularly for complaints without IP support documents, no request for product pull-out will be entertained.
  • Third-Party Claims — The Exhibitor shall hold CITEM free from any third-party claim/liability arising from his/her participation in the show as well as the design/products exhibited, or acts/deeds committed by the exhibitor or his/her employees or agents.
  • Unforeseen Circumstances/Events — CITEM shall not be held liable for any unforeseen event or circumstances that may occur in the course of the participation in Manila FAME.
  • Resolution of Conflict and Disagreement — In case of conflict or disagreement in the interpretation of this General Terms and Conditions/Service Manual/Circulars, the decision of CITEM shall be considered final and binding.


Online Registration
Submission of the following:

For companies with no previous registration in FAME+ (NEW):
  • Accomplished Registration Form
  • Company Profile or Brand Story
  • 3 High Resolution Product Images
  • Latest copy of valid Business or Mayor’s Permit
For companies with existing registration in FAME+ (REGULAR):
  • Activated FAME+ Storefront
  • Latest copy of valid Business or Mayor’s Permit
Companies without a FAME+ storefront will not be eligible to apply as an exhibitor in Manila FAME.
15 April — 30 June 2024
Booth Location Assignment
CITEM will release booth location assignment when at least P10,000 down payment has been settled
July 2024
Deadline of Payment of Fees
Full Participation Fee OR minimum P10,000 down payment for Non-refundable Reservation Fee

Remaining Balance (if full participation fee is not yet settled)

“No Full Payment, No Ingress” policy will be strictly imposed.
Within 5 days upon receipt of the Billing Invoice or Statement of Account (SOA)

04 October 20234
Ingress 15-16 October 2024
Show Proper 17-19 October 2024
Egress 19 October 2024, 06:30PM onwards