Started in 1986 by the couple Gloria and Irwin and fully established in year 2001, Starcrest Asia Corporation is a producer and exporter of high-quality handicraft products, exported to different countries like Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and many more countries all over the world.   Our company has been providing eye catching unique designs which reflect our exquisite heritage, customs and traditions. 

Starcrest Asia Corporation is a completely women empowered enterprise and this includes our local sourcing partners, who do the working in abaca cultivation and its refinement to create high quality products. We focus strongly on the development of the local handicrafts sector and livelihoods to the ethnic artisans and their families; we strongly believe that without our communities we are nothing.  We use locally grown Abaca, Buri, Pandan and sea grass that we extensively used in all of our products.  Our mission in Starcrest Asia Corporation is building hand crafted quality products with originality, pride and excellence.


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