The word “ennoble” literally means “to make noble, or to elevate.” This has been their ethos since its inception in 2017.

Ennoble is a small-batch design studio that aims to elevate natural materials and traditional craft techniques. They do so by collaborating with different community-based handicraft makers who are mostly from the province of Bulacan, where they are also based.

There, they inject the traditional with a quirky twist, turning the ordinary into something more fun and joyful. Their Chibi Shih tzu basket, for instance, was a hit among fur parents and plant enthusiasts that it has started the shih tzu basket trend during the pandemic.

With their founders' past engagements with government agencies and NGOs such as World Vision, UNDP, and DTI, it is second nature for this enterprise to be inspired to uplift the lives of their artisans. Hence, everything they do with their makers is a creative and collaborative process, and they always make sure that the artisans’ compensation is transparent, ethical, and dignified.

There is this joyful, elated spirit Ennoble exudes. At face value, one can say it has something to do with their quirky designs. But as you dig deeper into their vibrant offerings, it is actually more about the joy of lifting - and ennobling - artisans and handicraft design.

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