ACENTO COLLECCION has been in the export business for more than 3 decades, and has exported all over the world, with Japan, Brazil, Dubai , and the European Union being its prime markets .

Our company has been an advocate of “going green” which has been the direction manufacturing companies all over the world are being encouraged to do. This is the reason why we have decided to use recycled materials for our products instead of using chemicals to produce virgin glass products. This is very challenging for us because virgin glass, which is produced using chemicals, will always look much whiter, brighter and cleaner compared to the greenish shade with slight glass imperfections like bubbles, that recycled glass will always have. With regards to our designs, we always have the challenge of coming up with very distinct and unique patterns which exemplifies how creative the Filipino designer can be. What may look like less quality glass materials used in our products because of the purely recycled materials, we make up with our masterful designs and exceptional quality.


Glass blowing has been around since 4,000 to 5,000 years ago and is by no means original to the Philippines, but the skill needed to be a glass blower is highly difficult, limited to a few with good lungs to blow, and the talent to shape glass accordingly with the control of the force of breath ,and sensitive feel of the balance of the glass on the blowing pipe. The design we use is inspired by the Philippines’ multi cultural exposure to the West and the East- a play between European, Middle East, American and Asian taste.

We are Eco Friendly in that we use mostly recycled products and we “upcycle”, meaning we create products much more valuable than the supposedly disposable items we use, and our by-products are also still recyclable. We are also ambassadors for the Philippines, as we take pride in making the Filipino ingenuity and craftsmanship recognized wherever our products are imported. Because of these directives , Acento Colleccion was blessed in garnering the UNESCO award (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) for the Philippines.


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