By accomplishing the FAME+ Online Application Form, the Company agrees to fully read and understood the general terms and conditions governing a participation in FAME+ and commits to abide by the following:
Any company that wishes to be part of FAME+ must complete an application form online. The registration of this application form constitutes a firm and irrevocable commitment of the company to apply and submit the necessary documents within the period set forth by the Organizer.
The company must ensure that the details and information they will use in this application form are true and correct as these will be used by the organizer for company listing and directory. The organizer cannot be held liable for omissions or errors in reproduction, typesetting or other, that may be committed by the exhibitor during the application process.
By submitting this Application Form, the company hereby gives its consent to the organizers and its partners to use and process all data received in accordance with the requirements of Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act 2012.
When you register with us, we will ask you for Personal Data. “Personal Data” refers to information about you and your company that can be used to contact or individually identify you. This information will be stored in our database and will be pre-filled when you log back in.
Exhibitor Upload/Submissions are content/s submitted by exhibitors for inclusion on FAME+.
An exhibitor is solely responsible for its own Upload/Submissions , as well as the consequences of posting or publishing on FAME+.
The exhibitor uploading or content submitted , represents and warrants that it is their own and not violating nay intellectual or trademark or proprietary rights in accoradace with the Intellectual Property Law.
Further, in case of violation or complaints received, non compliant with the CITEM guidelines, or is considered harmful, inappropriate or objectionable, CITEM has the right at its own discretion to remove any Exhibitor Upload/Submission.
The Exhibitor further consents and agrees to such removal and waive any claim against CITEM arising out of such removal of any Upload/Submission.
I agree to subscribe to future newsletters, emails and other promotional announcements about Manila FAME, FAME+ and other relevant updates from the organizer - CITEM.